
Environmental Analysis

Envicom Corporation is a full service environmental firm with long-standing expertise in environmental documentation and successful project compliance. We carry most environmental capabilities in-house, and rely on trusted firms to team with us on other select issues and permits. Envicom Corporation prepares environmental documentation in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). These documents inform government agencies and the public of a project's potential environmental effects and identify feasible methods for minimizing these effects. Envicom Corporation assists its clients through the environmental review process with a practical, solutions-oriented approach. We develop individual strategies for each project based on our expertise, extensive experience, and analytic skills. Technical accuracy, clarity, objectivity, and legal defensibility are the cornerstones of our documents.

California Environmental Quality Act:

  • Initial Studies (IS)

  • Negative Declarations (ND)

  • Mitigated Negative Declarations (MND)

  • Environmental Impact Reports (EIR)

  • Third Party Review

  • Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Plans (MMRP)

National Environmental Policy Act:

  • Environmental Assessments (EA)

  • Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)

  • Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI)

Envicom projects include residential, commercial, office, mixed-use, and industrial developments; entertainment facilities; educational campuses; highway, transit, and airport facilities; infrastructure and utility improvements; surface mines; resource restoration projects; and planning documents (such as general plans, specific plans, redevelopment plans and updates or amendments to these plans). We are equally experienced in assessing developments proposed in previously undeveloped, rural areas, as we are with urban infill, revitalization, and densification projects. Our seasoned staff is highly adept at successfully completing the environmental review process for smaller projects as well as complex projects and proposed developments of high public interest.

Additionally, our in-house Air Quality and Noise analysis capabilities are at times supplemented by outside firms. We team with only the highest quality professional firms, choosing the appropriate partners based upon the project and our client's needs and preference, resulting in the most efficient and effective team for the job.