
We document the past so that
your project can move forward.

Envicom Corporation’s cultural resources practice group is well-versed in balancing the Federal and State regulations that address the protection and treatment of archaeological resources with private and public sector project development. Where the avoidance of significant resources is not a feasible option, Envicom is committed to the proper recovery, recordation, and curation of archaeological artifacts where necessary. Envicom staff are also experienced in Native American tribal consultation and the implementation of mitigation programs during project construction.

Drone Aerial Imagery

Drone Aerial Imagery

Field Analysis

Field Analysis

Cultural Resource Services Include:

  • Archaeological, Architectural, and Paleontological Resource Surveys, Inventories, and Reports.

  • Archival and Native American Sacred Lands File Record Searches

  • Archaeological Site Testing and Data Recovery, and Treatment and Mitigation Plans

  • Native American Tribal Consultation and Support

  • Bureau of Land Management Ethnographic Studies and Indirect Effects Reports, and Other Agency-Specific Reports and Plans

  • HABS/HAER Documentation

  • Construction Phase Monitoring and Management for Archaeological, Paleontological, and Native American Resources