
Environmental Compliance

Our staff has developed key relationships with local agents and management level representatives of Trustee Resource Agencies that facilitate entitlement and compliance processes. Typical services provided under permitting, entitlement and compliance include project design and entitlement strategy, preparation of applications, coordination, negotiation of permit terms / conditions, and preparation of mitigation agreements including conservation easements, restoration plans, and in-lieu fee agreements, as well as compliance monitoring and reporting.

Compliance Services Provided for:

  • Compliance management including coordination with project engineers, and contractors

  • Preconstruction surveys for wildlife, nesting birds, sensitive species and others

  • Agency coordination and notification

  • On-site construction monitoring

  • Post construction long-term monitoring

  • Lead Agency/Trustee Resource Agency compliance reporting

  • Habitat restoration plan implementation, monitoring, and reporting

  • Assistance with off-site lands acquisition and In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Agreements